Dear user,

as per art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 – Privacy Code and EU Regulation 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) hereinafter also “The Law”, we inform you that:

I. The personal and personal data provided to Caterina De Simone at the time of completing the registration form on this Web page are processed using automated and non-automated tools, with controlled access and in the manner prescribed by law and related implementation regulations , in compliance with this legislation and the confidentiality obligations therein;

II. By processing of personal data pursuant to the Law, we mean any operation or complex of operations, carried out with or without the aid of electronic or automated means, concerning the collection, registration, organization, conservation, processing , modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and distribution of data;

III. The data are processed for institutional purposes, connected or instrumental to the activity of Caterina De Simone to serve services described on this site and for which sending is completed by filling out the form, processing, contact management, and in particular:

A. To fulfill legal obligations related to civil, tax and accounting rules, for the purposes of the administrative management of the activities carried out by Caterina De Simone and her client;

B. For carrying out direct mailing and / or direct marketing activities, also for promotional purposes, on their own behalf and for third parties, as well as for the organization of secondary activities, such as, for example, quizzes, prize games, competitions, etc …;

C. For market research activities in the field of marketing and online communication, also in collaboration with partners, such as, for example, research institutes, public and private bodies, associations.

IV. In relation to the processing of personal data, the interested party can exercise, even by delegation or power of attorney to a natural person or association, their rights provided for in Article 7.

V. The data are collected in a database and can be communicated to the following subjects:

A. Data processors within the Lamiaterra facility;

B. Controlling, controlled and associated companies;

C. Partners for market research purposes;

D. Companies that perform instrumental activities.

YOU. The data controller is Caterina De Simone full address – Italy.

VII. The person in charge of data processing is Caterina De Simone;

VIII. To modify or delete your personal data, please request the email

IX. In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of data takes place using paper and IT (and possibly also telematic) tools, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, as well as full compliance with the Law. The data will be stored in the Data Base at the Lamiaterra headquarters in Contrada Foragno, Ostuni – Italy for the times prescribed by law.